Pass Christian Mississippi - Jan 2008
Cheryl & I left Kansas City for Mississippi, at the conclusion of the Onething and The Call conferences at The International House of Prayer, after one of the powerful days of prayer and worship we have ever experienced. We all arrived in Pass Christian Mississippi on New Years Day. The Pass Christian Bible Fellowship Church graciously hosted all 20 of us. Our thanks go out to the church and James Mahler for allowing us to stay there, so as not to incur additional expense and enable more people to come and help those in need. Because of their efforts, more people have been able to come down to help rebuild that community. What an awesome ministry that fellowship has in the Pass Christian community.
Bruce & Lorraine Lenardson did an awesome job of providing delicious meals for all of us, while we were there. Lorraine made sure everyone had plenty and we all so appreciated her efforts.
We started each morning with a time of prayer in the church sanctuary. After prayer, we would receive our assignment and lunches and away we went. Primarily, we worked on two homes; one for Melissa Moore and her two children, and the other was Debbie Smith's home. We ripped out the old floor, built a new floor and did some framing at Debbie's home. We hung dry wall and taped Melissa's home as well as second coated some of the joints. Both Melissa and Debbie were so happy, because they have been waiting almost two and a half years now to get out of their trailers and back into their homes.
We had a great time working together and eating meals together. One night we went to Kathy Simpson's house, who we had helped and worked on her son Bubba's home. We had a big bonfire, cooked hotdogs and roasted marshmallows. We also had five guitar players and spent about 3 hours talking, picking, and singing.
The Pass Christian, Bay St. Louis, and Waveland communities are still a long way from being rebuilt. The workers are few and the task is great. Please remember them in prayer and pray for more workers and pray for those who have been waiting so long to return to their homes. Isaiah 58:12 will continue to be the "…Repairer of broken walls and Restorer of streets with dwellings."